Assistant Technician

Position Description:
As an assistant technician at Phoenix A/V Specialists, you’ll spend your time working in homes and businesses to install and integrate the latest in A/V and automation technology. If you like variety, this job is for you. On Monday you might find yourself pulling speaker wire and Cat6 throughout a home that’s in the middle of construction; on Tuesday you may be hanging televisions and mounting projectors in conference rooms; and then end your week on Friday putting the finishing touches on a dedicated theater room. Aside from assisting your lead technician, your biggest responsibility will be to learn by doing. As time goes by, you’ll have the opportunity to receive more formal training and eventually, you’ll be the lead technician. It doesn’t happen overnight, but if you work hard, pay attention and have the right mindset, you’ll be there before you know it.

You will always be expected to treat our clients and your colleagues with patience and friendliness no matter how big or small their issue. Client service is something we hold sacred at our company so it is of the utmost importance that you be willing and able to serve as a helping hand for our clients in their moment of need.

Job Requirements:
● Experience working with A/V or other home technology a plus
● A professional appearance at all times
● Excellent communication skills
● Resourceful and willing to patiently work through challenging situations
● Patient and friendly at all times
● Dedicated to details and follow-through
● Ambition to strive for 100% client satisfaction at all times

Culture Fit:
● Do you believe there’s always room for improvement? We are always in pursuit of perfection when it comes to the client experience.
● Do you believe in a culture of service? We pride ourselves on the level of service we provide and insist that every member of our team puts client service first and foremost.
● Are you happy to lend a helping hand? Service can be a thankless business - your drive to help needs to come from within.
● Are you frequently putting yourself in others’ shoes? We believe empathy and understanding are key to all phases of the client relationship.
● Can you keep a secret? Good, because our clients’ privacy is a top priority.
● Do you read from the teleprompter or do you write your own script? We’re not afraid to challenge the status quo and blaze our own trail.
● Do you pick up the ball that someone else may have dropped? We’re looking for people that own the company goals beyond just doing their job.
● Are you OK with making a mistake? We are too, as long as we learn from them and don’t repeat.

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